
Be Sound doesn’t do brand ambassadors. Our fearless leaders deserve a moniker worthy of their unique awesomeness. our badassadors embody what it means to live life sound. They are the hands and feet of the sound method movement across the world and they are your regional community guides for all local Be sound events.

more than anything, these legends act as conduits to connect you to be sound services and champion your success on your journey to live life sound.


Warning Label:
Dangerous Curves Ahead
Favorite Color:
Blue, Green, & Rose Gold
Morning Routine:
Prayer and Affirmations. Exercise. Shower. Breakfast & Tea/Coffee. Top 5 list for the day. Establish Jam of the day to sing. Serenade folks on the highway with said Jam of the day while having a Dance Party in the Truck on the way to work!
Werid Food Combos:
I'm an equal opportunity foodie...... Any foods can make a glorious combo. Try something new, color outside the lines. who cares, live a little... its all yummy in my tummy:)
Deathrow Meal:
Filet Mignon, Grilled Asparagus, Loaded Sweet Potato, Fancy Meats and Cheeses Board, Red Wine, and a Brownie.


Warning Label:
Handle with Care: Contents may Explode
Favorite Color:
Blue-Green, basically the tourquoise family
Morning Routine:
Hit Snooze, Hit Snooze again, Hit Snooze again, Then up and at 'em
Werid Food Combos:
French Fries dipped in Chocolate Milkshakes
Deathrow Meal:
I'm having all my favoties: Eggs Benedict and tatertots, crab cake sandwich, Pepperoni Pizza, steamed lobster, shrimp, and clams, red wine (a Shiraz and a Malbec, it is my last meal after all), cheese cake and coffee